Friday, March 14, 2014

Another Round for the Slugs Please!

  If you live in the Northwest, or in any damp place, such as myself you know all about these pesky buggers. Last year I had such a slug problem I sought all sorts of home remedies. I really didn't want to spray anything on my veggies so I tried the copper tape, I tried lining my beds with eggshell and salt, I tried everything I could find. 
  I was over at a friends house and a monster slug was creeping by as we sat on the porch and it sparked our conversation about slugs in the garden. I explained my frustration to her and she said that she had a remedy for my garden intruding slugs. GET THEM DRUNK! I told her she was crazy, to which she replied yes but try it anyway.  She told me to take a pie tin and put it flush to the soil in the middle of the garden. After that fill it with cheep beer and let the magic happen. Below is the home remedy slug trap. I set one every night for a week and I happily lessened my slug problem to almost complete extinction. The first night I had about 20 slugs in the trap, then fewer and fewer as the days went on. Basically the slugs crawl in, have a few beers and get too drunk to make it out of the pie tin and they travel to slug heaven. May their broccoli eating souls rest in peace.  Hope this helps save some plants, time, and frustration! 


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